Thursday, 14 July 2011


As the uni semester has come to a close, I’ve headed home for a few relaxing weeks of good food, sleep-ins, beautiful beaches and best of all, my darling little family.

Yens’ half century mag cover really caught my eye and post convincing myself it wasn’t substantial enough to purchase a magazine based on a pretty cover, I found myself tripping back to the store the next day to purchase it. I decided it was pretty enough to frame and that this alone makes it purchase worthy, right? Photos to come if I do, promise. 

This stunning orchid was a surprise on the dresser in my bedroom. I’m in love with the beautiful colours of orchids and this one even has a faint, sweet scent.  A friend gave me an orchid plant for my birthday and although it’s not flowering at the moment, it makes me extremely happy. Here’s hoping I can keep it alive! :)

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